Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Welcome To The Journey

WE, all of us, have something to say, something to share. The key to surviving this chaotic, uncertain world is to develop a sense of community, a bond between what I like to call 'Survivers of the Sojourn.' We have developed an ethos, a code, a list of behaviours and ideas that are not the norm. In fact, we are throwbacks to a time where honor and dignity were common, where we were valuable members of society, saw ourselves as usefull peices of the whole, and not just consumers or thrill seekers. We have purpose. The point of this blog is to share purpose, and to support each other with ideas and by bringing new enthusiasm to mutual problems.

I chose the Warrior ethic because I am not only a practicioner of Tang Soo Do, but because today's warrior meets far more moral battles than physical. In todays world where ego is the ideal and respnsibility the aberration, we often stand alone.

I would like to stress that I am not advocating any sort of militancy, unless it is sort of a zen hobbit militancy...I believe we all deserve a good life, and we don't often get it. I think we create our world, regardless of what we must endure. We must develop the tools to continue making the world a better place, starting with one

Please share your thoughts and ideas!

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